
What the BRC is for: re-envisaging your life

We are sad to have taken our leave from Tessa Pretorius.  She has managed our finances for almost four years.  

It is in the nature of retreat centres like the BRC to have to live with staff changes.  Indeed, few people look upon a post at the Centre as more than an episode between other moves in their lives.

We are - sometimes grudgingly - happy to provide such a psychological interlude for people to re-assess where they have come from and where they need to go.  Many visitors and retreatants do the same.

Maybe that is what the BRC – and the Buddha’s teachings - are about.      

Tessa is no different: she will be establishing her own profession as a writer and counselor.   We are sure she will do well in this: she is multi-talented.  

She will be missed because she was so much more than just our in-house financial manager.  She brought a well-established personal Buddhist practice, having attended Vipassana retreats and having read widely in Buddhist philosophy.  She was therefore able to hold her own when it came to introducing the philosophy to visitors and leading meditation sessions. She was even willing to conduct “Buddhist” wedding ceremonies.  

We are fortunate that Tessa has agreed to remain part of our retreat programs.  Indeed, she will be conducting her next Finding and Keeping your Centre retreat from September 7-9.

Trevor Gaymans has taken over Tessa’s position.  He brings a strong corporate attitude to his work and is very familiar with the Centre’s operation. He will be supported by our seasoned BRC stalwarts: June, Marion, Lynne and Colin.