
Woza Moya

Woza Moya is a community-based NGO located in the Ufafa Valley of rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Founded at the BRC in April 2000, Woza Moya has grown into a huge operation serving more than 8000 people in the surrounding communities. In 2005 Woza Moya relocated from the BRC to their new Community Centre (built by the SFI and designed by Louis van Loon) on tribal land bordering the BRC farm. Using a holistic approach, our community care and support programme provides services in the areas of:

  • Home-based Care
  • Food Security
  • Child and Youth Care
  • Paralegal Services
  • Youth and Social Media
  • Early Childhood Development

Woza Moya actively seeks to empower women in the community and workplace encourages taking responsibility by knowing your HIV status respects the natural environment of the Ufafa Valley and the culture of the people living there.

For more information visit our recently refreshed website www.wozamoya.org.za read all the latest blogs and subscribe to our newsletter. We are most grateful to the Chrisi van Loon for promoting the sale of our beautifully handcrafted items in the BRC shop. By buying our cushion covers and embroidered cards and shoulder and work bags, delightful sock monkeys, knitted beanies and scarves you are empowering the crafters who produce these items as part of our income-generating project.

 Please contact Woza Moya with your suggestions on

039 834 0023 or at

Bank details: Acc. No. 62033305849
Branch: FNB Ixopo 220223

  • aerialviewofwozamoya
  • bene_embroiderers
  • early_childhood_development_11
  • food_security-crafts
  • sockmonkeys