  • Doing Your Own Thing: A Personal Retreat

    Teacher: Krishia Schilz and Nelson Alvares
    Cost: Number of days' accommodation
    Dates: Thursday 29 August 2024 - Tuesday 01 July 2025

    krishia schilznelson alvaresFind meaningful solitude on a Self-Retreat. These Retreats are unstructured: one does as much (or as little) reading, walking, meditation or resting as one chooses. Enjoy walks and bird watching in 300 acres of beautiful rolling hills, parklands, indigenous valleys and forests. Meditate, learn chi kung and yoga, savour our delicious vegetarian food, browse our well-stocked library. Visit the stupa and the raked Zen sand gardens; walk the labyrinth; reflect on the 8 trees associated with the Buddha’s life, enlightenment and death in the beautiful Buddha Boma; spend solitary time in our deer forest, stalk the light, cloud-gaze at the dam and tune into just being in the present moment. Self-Retreats are an ideal opportunity to be in a gentle, sympathetic space where one can be still and get in touch with oneself and reflect on the things that crowd one’s life. Self-Retreats are available on weekdays - between Conducted Retreats - and over structured retreats. Group or Corporate events can be arranged.

    Nelson Alvares is in situ to lead walks and sunrise meditation.

    For those who would like to book for a self retreat midweek, Krishia Schilz, a resident member of staff, is offering daily yoga, pranayama and meditation.

    Krishia Schilz is a qualified Bereavement Counsellor specialising in grief and loss, as well as Trauma Containment. Her spiritual path led her to yoga in which she is certified in various styles. She completed her training in beautiful Bali before travelling to Thailand to teach. Her practice includes yoga, pranayama (breath work), meditation and yoga philosophy.


  • Buddhanalysis: What if Buddha was your psychoanalyst?

    Teacher: Jason Ross
    Cost: 3 days accommodation + R350 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 25 October 2024 - Monday 28 October 2024

    jason ross2024Through a merging of concepts from Existential Psychoanalysis and Secular Buddhism, this retreat explores Buddhism as a form of therapeutic living. The retreat will take us from the concept of inherent “lack” (sunyata), through “longing” (“tanha”), to “love” (metta). Along this journey, we will consider the implications of the Buddhist notion of “non-self” (anatta) for the practice of psychotherapy and its practical application to our everyday lives.

    This retreat involves philosophical discussion, therapeutic engagement, a variety of sitting practices, walking meditation, basic yoga (no experience needed), written reflection and group discussion. It is an ideal retreat for those interested in a practical, therapeutic and atheist (non-soteriological) approach to Buddhism.

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    Dr Jason Ross is a practicing psychologist with a PhD in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis from the Global Centre for Advanced Studies.  He takes a critical stance towards conventional psychology and its ideas of what it means to be supposedly normal.  He proposes a move away from its impoverished language of diagnosing individual experience and a return to a more embodied, socially embedded, poetic, and philosophical engagement with our struggles.  He campaigns for a psychology that is more interested in providing a therapeutic experience than attempting to explain our problems away.  He is particularly sceptical of Psychology’s more recent incorporation of “mindfulness” into its methodology, viewing this as a contradiction of the Buddhist philosophy from which “mindfulness” originally emerged.  His work, therefore, attempts to do justice to the existential philosophical thread that runs through most Buddhist teachings, merging this with an existential psychoanalytic method.  Jason was first introduced to Buddhism through the teachings of Rob Nairn and Louis Van Loon in the 90’s, and his hope is to pay tribute to the legacy of these teachings.  He is currently most influenced by the work of Stephen Batchelor and David Loy.

  • Discovering And Appreciating Italian Vegetarian Cooking

    Teacher: Rosetta and Mario Giuricich
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R500 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 01 November 2024 - Sunday 03 November 2024

    rosetta and mario giuricichAt the heart of Italian culture is food. Food represents life: from the bounty that nature provides into the hands of the skillful cook to create a masterpiece, a skill that is passed down from generation to generation. The respect for and appreciation for the natural source of ingredients in Italian cooking allows for the simplicity in the preparation and the unique taste of each dish prepared. Mother and son duo, Rosetta and Mario, have been passionate about Italian cooking their entire lives; a passion instilled in them from spending valuable time with Nonna Maria in her kitchen from young. In this retreat, we will showcase the simplicity and unique taste of some of Nonna Maria’s vegetarian Italian cooking: from slow-cooked Sugo di Pomodoro (Tomato sauce), fresh egg-pasta and the rich flavours of the Melanzane Parmigiana (Eggplant parmesan) of South Italy, to the more cream and butter-based sweets of North Italy, such as Tiramisù and Biscotti di Limone e Mandorle (almond and lemon biscotti).

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    Rosetta and Mario Giuricich, mother and son duo, have both been deeply passionate about Italian cooking from a young age. Under the watchful eye of the maternal grandmother Nonna Maria, Mario was taught the skills underpinning Italian cooking. He further developed these skills by undertaking various part-time classes at the Silwood School of Cookery in Cape Town. Mario is an actuary with a PhD in Financial Mathematics. Rosetta is a medical doctor, practising in Cape Town.

  • Open The Heart And Still The Mind : Infusing Mindfulness With Metta And Compassionate Wisdom

    Teacher: Sue Cooper
    Cost: 5 days accommodation + R400 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 08 November 2024 - Wednesday 13 November 2024

    sue cooper 2021This 5 night Open the Heart And Still the Mind retreat is an immersion into nourishing and ennobling silence and is an opportunity to cultivate and deepen your meditation practice with a heart-based focus. Sue offers an integration of the psychological and spiritual dimensions of this path of compassionate awareness, combining her 40 years of meditation practice with her extensive experience as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist.

    We will draw on the support of nature and the teachings that are revealed by practising in the exquisite environment of the Buddhist Retreat Centre, where the truths of impermanence and our inter-connectedness with each other and with nature express themselves daily, through the beauty and wisdom of the ever-changing conditions.
    We will cultivate a safe and nourishing home within, inspired by the wisdom and practices of the Brahma Viharas (the Four Immeasurables), which deepen our capacity for loving- kindness (metta), spacious inner freedom, appreciative joy and compassionate wisdom and action.
    In addition to the silent and guided meditations in all postures, there will be daily qigong, gentle, mindful movement and additional, optional massages offered to enhance our embodied experience. Sue will incude short, individual sessions throughout the retreat, as well as time for reflection, journaling, walks in nature and deeply replenishing rest.

    This retreat offers a 15% discount on all accommodation, as well as a free Stillmind Journal to members of IMISA (Mindfulness Institute of SA), and carries a teacher's fee for all retreatants, offered on a sliding scale. Please contact Sue directly on for further details and to arrange a recommended pre-retreat session. Her website link is https://stillmindretreats.com/event/retreat-infusing-mindfulness-with-metta-compassionate-wisdom/.

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    Sue Cooper is a Cape Town-based Clinical Psychologist with extensive experience as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, working in private practice since the early 1990's. She has a long-standing interest in the interface between psychological and spiritual approaches to self-discovery and inner healing, and has attended Buddhist meditation retreats, mainly in the Theravada tradition, for 40 years, both in South Africa and at Gaia House in the UK. She has been inspired by the teachings of Ajahn Chah of the Thai Forest tradition, and is deeply grateful to her primary teachers: the late Godwin Samararatne, Kittisaro and Thanissara, Ajahn Sucitto and Stephen and Martine Batchelor. She has a particular interest in exploring how our practice enables us to embrace our humanness, integrating love and loss in our lives, so that we can live and die with compassionate awareness. She offers weekend and longer retreats throughout South Africa at Temenos, Mont Fleur and Somerset Gift in the Western Cape; Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat Centre and the Buddhist Retreat Centre in KwaZulu Natal; and Emoyeni Retreat Centre in the North West Province, as well as "Open the Heart and Still the Mind" courses, on-going weekly groups and monthly half-day/day retreats in Cape Town See: https://stillmindretreats.com and please contact .

  • Qigong - Gently Nurturing Life

    Teacher: Di Franklin
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R300 surcharge
    Dates: Wednesday 13 November 2024 - Friday 15 November 2024

    di franklin2023The gentle movements that you will learn to do on this relaxed mid-week course will help to build your immune system and improve your general well-being. The mindful way in which you move will work on your internal organs as you generate energy 'qi'. You will also have time to roam the beautiful grounds of the BRC as you take time out to relax and recharge.

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    Dianne Franklin is an Advocate in private practice. She has been studying Buddhism and qigong for more than twenty years. She is a student of Max Weier, the Qigong Master from Switzerland. Her teachers include Rob Nairn, Geshe Pende and Ken Holmes.

  • Start Your Meditation Journey With Awareness Practices And Qigong

    Teacher: Alex Welte and Di Franklin
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R350 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 15 November 2024 - Sunday 17 November 2024

    alex weltedi franklin2023Our minds are like the sky: ever shifting from glorious blue to threatening grey; from offering gentle breezes to lashing us with storms. But whatever the conditions that we see, the sky itself is always the same. The sky has all the capacity to accommodate the changing weather – even the changing climate. Just so, our minds have all the capacity to experience, to do, and to be, all that is happening inside and around us. Meditation works with the fundamental aspect of our minds – that we are aware. We know things. We are not automatons, clever gadgets, or algorithms. Using various supports - like sensations in our bodies, our breath, what we hear and see - we can get to know and nurture the awareness that holds everything we experience. Our basic condition - despite all the distractions of overwhelm, pursuing this, avoiding that - is openness, kindness, and Wisdom.

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    Alex Welte is a physicist by training, and by trade an applied mathematician/statistician/data-scientist jack of all trades. He is a firm believer that our individual and collective mental and physical health, indeed our survival, depend not so much on cleverness and technological innovation as on our views and values, where we place our attention, and our conduct in daily life. For most of his adult life he has practised meditation according to teachings from various Buddhist traditions; notably, for the last 15 years, the teachings of well-known Tibetan Meditation Master Mingyur Rinpoche. Alex’s journey with meditation is mainly driven by the twin motivations of coping with anxiety and doubt, and pursuing a childlike curiosity around what life, the universe, and everything, is all about.

    Dianne Franklin is an Advocate in private practice. She has been studying Buddhism and qigong for more than twenty years. She is a student of Max Weier, the Qigong Master from Switzerland. Her teachers include Rob Nairn, Geshe Pende and Ken Holmes.

  • Curious Embodiment: Coming Home To The Wisdom Of The Body

    Teacher: Kirsten Hunneyball
    Cost: 2 days accommodaion + R350 surcharge
    Dates: Wednesday 20 November 2024 - Friday 22 November 2024

    kirsten hunneyball2024Join Kirsten for a transformative mid-week retreat  in helping individuals reconnect with their relationship to themselves and their body’s wisdom. With a deeply personal journey of recovery from Anorexia and Bulimia, she has dedicated her life to understanding the intricate ways we relate to our bodies. She believes that true, sustainable transformation begins with cultivating a curious connection to the body, mind, and spirit. During this retreat, we will explore various practices through a polyvagal-informed lens, emphasizing the importance of understanding and regulating the nervous system. This approach is grounded in the Polyvagal Theory, which explains how our autonomic nervous system responds to stress and how we can cultivate safety and connection within ourselves and others. The sessions will include:gentle yoga to calm the nervous system, foster body awareness, and enhance your sense of safety and grounding; embodied focusing that helps you tune into your body's sensations and signals, fostering a deeper understanding of your emotional and physiological states whilst co-regulating with other; light breathwork techniques that promote regulation and balance within the autonomic nervous system, helping to shift from a state of stress or anxiety to one of calm and connection; mindful movement and meditation and group discussions.

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    Kirsten Hunneyball is a Coach who works primarily with those suffering from disregulated relationships to food and their bodies. Her own recovery from Anorexia and Bulimia inspires her lifelong journey to understand the nature of the way we relate to our bodies. She has studied as an Addictions Recovery Coach, Trauma Sensitive Yoga Teacher, and works from a Polyvagal Informed lens. Having completed the Felt Sense for Addiction and Trauma Certification through the Polyvagal Institute, she  brings elements of a practice called "Focusing" into her work, reminding us of the beauty of human-to-human connection and the body in your healing journey.

  • The White Stork Displays Its Wing - A Beginner’s Introduction To Yang Style Tai Chi

    Teacher: Paul Dorrian
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R300 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 22 November 2024 - Sunday 24 November 2024

    paul dorrianThe White Stork Displays Its Wing -  A Beginner’s Introduction to Yang Style Tai Chi, or to give it its full name, Tai Chi Chuan, has often been regarded as a dynamic form of Qigong, or ‘the cultivation of energy’ to help regulate one’s system and prevent disease, thereby leading to the development and maintenance of good health and well-being. Most people associate Tai Chi with flowing, graceful movements. Yet there is much more to the practice of this ancient Chinese art. The great Yang Tai Chi Master T.T. Liang (1900-2002), stated that there are four categories into which the principles of Tai Chi fall, namely health, self-defence, mental accomplishment and the road to immortality. In this retreat, Paul will demystify Tai Chi using the Yang style, which can be traced back to Ch’en Wang Ting (1597-1664). Paul’s intention is to inspire retreatants to further investigate Tai Chi and to find a teacher near their home.

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    Paul Dorrian is a former international management consultant, author and speaker. His interest in improving employee wellness in the work place led him to teach Chi Gung and Tai Chi Chuan. Paul has studied these disciplines under various teachers in the UK and Spain, and with the late Master Dr Nico Snyman, his current teacher Master Marleen Bilas and with his Grandmaster Dr Lin Feng-Chao. He now teaches Tai Chi Chuan in the Yang style and Chi Gung in the Pa Tuan Chin, Healing Sounds and Zhan Zhuang styles at his school, the Lin Li School of Tai Chi Chuan, and with private students, in Pietermaritzburg.

  • Natural Grace, Effortless Joy

    Teacher: Charisse Louw
    Cost: 2 days accommodation +R400 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 29 November 2024 - Sunday 01 December 2024

    charisse louw“The most common form of despair is not being who you are.” - Kierkegaard

    As humans we live here amongst the “family of things,” yet somehow separate. This illusion of separation the Tibetan Buddhists term Maha Bekandze – the Great Suffering. Join Charisse at the BRC to dissolve into the bliss that is your true nature. Together we will practise various forms of meditation. All of life is a meditation in that it calls us to pay attention. In curious mindfulness we will find our playful connection to Life itself.

    Through guided conscious dance, process art making, free writing, immersion in nature, sitting in silence, walking, eating, talking, singing, listening deeply, practising yoga and qigong, you will gently be led back to your oneness, your emptiness, which is true love. You will surrender into your natural grace and choose joy.

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    Charisse Louw has been facilitating retreats since 2017. In her twenties, yoga changed everything for the better and she went on to study in Indian ashrams. She deepened her meditation practice in Japanese Buddhist temples and has  sat Vipassana and ZaZen regularly She studied qigong in the Chinese Dragon’s Teeth Mountains and most recently trekked Nepal solo. All of these adventures brought her home to her heart in humble gratitude again and again. She currently lives in Noordhoek where she loves raising her teenage children, lecturing at the University of Stellenbosch in Visual Studies, while hosting regular qigong circles, workshops and retreats.

  • Getting To Know The Birds At The BRC: 160 Birds Of A Feather

    Teacher: Steve Davis
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R350 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 06 December 2024 - Sunday 08 December 2024

    steve davisJoin Steve for an enjoyable weekend of identifying some of the BRC’s 160 species of birds - including the summer residents, the rare Blue Swallow, Knysna Turaco and Emerald Cuckoo. Wake up to birdsong and walk the verdant hills and meadows close to where the Blue Swallows nest. The BRC has been awarded “Private Nature Reserve” status by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife for its conservation of the Blue Swallow and its pristine mistbelt grasslands. Included will be talks, slide shows, meditation and some quiet time communing with nature. Bring your binoculars and a sunhat.

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    Steve Davis has been watching birds since moving to South Africa in 1975, and has travelled in most parts of southern Africa and many countries around the world. He has presented numerous talks and courses on birds, is Honorary President of BirdLife eThekwini KZN and has served on the KwaZulu-Natal Rare Birds Committee. He has written two books with his late friend, Roy Cowgill - one on the birds of Durban reserves and one on shorebirds identification. He is a keen wildlife enthusiast, having expanded his interests to butterflies, dragonflies, trees and flowers. He is a Chemical Engineer by profession, having gained a M.Sc.Eng (Chem) at the University of Natal, Durban, and is currently Research and Development Manager at the Sugar Milling Research Institute in Durban.