
Asalha Puja Day

asalha puja day a brown

Asalha Puja, also known as Dharma Day, is one of Theravada Buddhism's most important festivals, celebrating as it does the Buddha's first sermon, the Sermon in the Deer Park at Sarnath, in which he set out to his five former associates the doctrine that had come to him following his enlightenment. This first pivotal sermon, often referred to as “setting into motion the wheel of dhamma", is the teaching which is encapsulated for Buddhists in the Four Noble Truths: there is suffering (dukkha); suffering is caused by craving (tanha); there is a state (nibbana) beyond suffering and craving; and finally, the way to nirvana is via the Noble Eightfold Path. All the various schools and traditions of Buddhism revolve around this central doctrine.

This first sermon is not only the first structured discourse given by the Buddha after his enlightenment, it also contains the essence of all his subsequent teaching. At the end of the talk, one of the five participants recounted his understanding of what had been said and asked to be received as a disciple, a request the Buddha granted, thus establishing the first order of monks.

The day is observed by donating offerings to temples and listening to sermons. The following day is known in Thailand as Wan Khao Phansa; it is the first day of Vassa, the Theravada rains retreat.

It is also celebrated as Chokor Duchen within the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition.

Asalha Puja Day

Great Buddha it's

Asalha Puja day and

It's time for the blessings

And protection and I pray

And I feel your spiritual

Wisdom inside my mind and body and

I'll bring good fortune (???)

And benefit to our nation

And to our loyal people and

Lord Buddha your love has made me

Become brighter and stronger

And may we all attain perfect

Peace from your everlasting peace

And love in life

- David Carroll