Wednesday 06 November 2019
  • A Pilates Retreat: Moving with agility

    Teacher: Kim McCusker-Bartlett
    Cost: 3 days' accommodation + R250 surcharge

    kim mccusker bartlettThis retreat will incorporate a series of core-strengthening movements. The Pilates methodology helps to stabilise your spine, improving posture and balance. Enjoy learning our Mat routine, using your body weight as a tool and specific breathing patterns to encourage efficient movement, core stability and flexibility within the body. Included in the workshop are the Advanced Mat exercises to accommodate both beginners and experienced students. There will be an evening discussion on how Pilates can thread through your daily life. Moving with agility helps you to deal with life’s stresses and to discover your best self.

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    Kim McCusker-Bartlett is a dancer with a passion for Pilates. She qualified as a Pilates instructor in 2011 and set up the Agility Studio, a private Pilates space, where she taught  for over four years. She currently resides in Mauritius with her family of three. Her goal is to help students of movement to find mind and body harmony.