
Detailed List of Retreats

Releasing Ourselves From Old Stories: Stepping from the past into an abundant future by drawing on the Ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono

Teacher: Dominique Garnett
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R200 surcharge
Dates: Friday 20 May 2022 - Sunday 22 May 2022

dominique garnettStories and story-telling are what make us human. We have stories about health, wellness and well-being. Often, we are informed by the should, could and would of life. These stories, or programs, inform our view of the world - whether it is a world-view and story of scarcity or one of abundance. Sometimes these stories, or the programs from the past can entrap and restrict us from living a full life. How have other people’s stories of the world in health and wellness, scarcity and abundance - informed your own? This retreat is an invitation to look at our own personal stories as part of a much larger story of world, health and well-being; to look at the programs that run automatically and prevent us from living freely and being in the present moment. It is also an invitation to seek alternate stories as we explore new possibilities of being well and being present; to be curious at how and where certain stories come from and to seek alternate meaning through engaging with new ideas and research, and to be enlivened as we open up to the possibilities. Through learning and practising Ho’oponopono we can learn how to release ourselves from restrictive stories and live in the fullness of each moment and to see how transforming this can be. The weekend will be informative, with practical workshopping real-life examples of how to shift our lives into the fullness of the present moment.

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Dominique Garnett is a Counselling Psychologist, Narrative Therapist, Nutritional Coach, writer, artist, foodie and a passionate reader and learner. She has a practice on the North Coast of KZN where she connects with people in therapeutic conversations as they explore meaning-making in a holistic and respectful way. She runs workshops and weekend retreats exploring health and wellness.