
Detailed List of Retreats

Meditation In Daily Life - Online

Teacher: Bhante Sukhacitto and Beth Faria
Cost: Donation
Dates: Saturday 08 May 2021 - Sunday 09 May 2021

bhante sukhacitto elizabeth fariaJoin Bhante Sukhacitto and Elizabeth Faria in a mini Zoom weekend retreat during which they will help you develop mindfulness in silent sitting meditation, and also use the practice of Insight Dialogue to develop insight. In dialogue meditation, we will explore and contemplate in the virtual presence of another, relevant Dhamma topics in order to understand how things really are. The aim is to develop wholesome qualities such as kindness and compassion and cultivate spiritual friendship. We will explore how to apply the Noble Eightfold Path into practice. 

2 and a half hours | Saturday 8 May | 09:00-11:30am
2 and a half hours | Sunday 9 May | 09:00-11:30am


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Bhante Sukhacitto is an Insight Dialogue teacher. He was born in Germany in 1963 and first came into contact with Buddhism in 1986 in Thailand when he attended a meditation retreat in Wat Suan Mokkh. He ordained there as a novice in 1989 and as a monk in 1990. He moved to the West in 1993 where he has lived at various monasteries of the Ajahn Chah tradition in Switzerland and the UK. While attending his first Insight Dialogue retreat in 2005, he was amazed by the powerful experience of meditating together with other people. Since 2010 he has taught Insight Dialogue worldwide and was trained by Gregory Kramer and other teachers. In his experience, interpersonal meditation is an extremely helpful aid for the development of wisdom. It bridges the gap between traditional silent meditation and our everyday lives and relations with other people. He established a small Dhamma Centre "House Of Noble Friendship“ in his hometown and ran it until 2020.

 Elizabeth Faria is an Insight Dialogue teacher. She has taught online programs, as well as workshops and retreats in Australia and Brazil. Practicing meditation since 1996, she has trained in the Burmese and Thai Forest tradition. She is a graduate of the Australian Association of Buddhist Counsellors, and has worked as a psychologist and psychotherapist for the last thirty years. She has long been interested in the integration of The Noble Eightfold Path with the whole life experience, and in the practice of the liberating teachings on satipatthana and of the brahmaviharas. She lives in New South Wales, Australia.