
Detailed List of Retreats

Tibetan Dream Yoga: The Practice Of Lucid Dreaming

Teacher: Chamtrul Rinpoche
Cost: 2 day's accommodation + R400 surcharge
Dates: Friday 24 March 2023 - Sunday 26 March 2023

chamtrul rinpoche 2022Most of us spend a third of our life asleep. Taking the average life span into account, this is equivalent to about twenty-five to thirty years. Even though the mental state is more subtle when the body is asleep, it doesn't mean that we can't have an alert, meditative, observing mind. In fact, certain practices prove to be even more effective during this state, as we are less distracted by the five physical senses. In order to access dreams and to turn them towards the Buddhist path, we first have to realise that we are in fact dreaming. Tibetan Dream Yoga is the original form of Lucid Dreaming documented for 1,000 years. Also known as Milam - the yoga of the dream state - it is a collection of advanced tantric techniques. Just like our Western understanding of lucid dreams, the initial aim is to awaken the consciousness in the dream, state. In the Tibetan tradition, dream yoga is also used to practise Bodhicitta (the seed of enlightenment) and to develop wisdom.

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Chamtrul Rinpoche has taught for over 20 years to thousands of Tibetan monks and foreign students (monks, nuns and lay people) in Tibet, India and other countries. In the words of Rinpoche himself: “Teaching is what I do in this life. Wherever someone asks me to teach, I am there.”More details on Chamtrul Rinpoche’s life can be found on Rinpoche’s official site in the page “autobiography”. For more information and for updates on Rinpoche’s teachings visit https://safricachamtrulrinpoche.wordpress.com