
Detailed List of Retreats

Why things happen the way they do: How we got to where we are – and are going

Teacher: Louis van Loon
Cost: Accommodation plus R120
Dates: Friday 03 May 2013 - Sunday 05 May 2013

louis_van_loonEvolutionary Biology and Quantum Physics reveal a universe that is infinitely interconnected and where everything co-arises with a multitude of other things. It is a dimension of reality that is spaceless and timeless: an Implicate Order, or Singularity. Every single event that has ever happened and has the potential to happen is embedded in it. As living beings, we are woven into this unimaginably complex causal network where nothing escapes being recorded and is ready to act out whatever needs to be resolved. This is strikingly similar to the Buddha’s teachings on Dependent Origination (Paticca samuppada) and how karma and rebirth are viewed in a number of ancient philosophical and religious traditions. Buddhism in particular developed a profound understanding of the psychic mechanisms that drive this “Wheel of Life”.