
Detailed List of Retreats

The Art of Walking: Making the ordinary sacred

Teacher: Marguerite van der Merwe
Cost: 2 days' accommodation plus R200
Dates: Friday 17 August 2012 - Sunday 19 August 2012

In Buddhist Mindfulness practice, we pay close attention to some of our most ordinary experiences, such as breathing, sitting and walking. This is deliberate. It gets one out of a tendency to be trapped in our minds; in compulsive-obsessive thoughts and projections, and taking those to be real. Mindfulness puts one in touch with reality the way it actually happens to be: that one is breathing in, and not out, walking and not sitting. Walking particularly is badly compromised and devalued in our current lifestyles; our cars and lifts carry us where previously we would be walking. We sit a lot, with our bodies frozen in awkward postures. In this retreat we rediscover what it is like to walk with awareness - at ease, naturally, joyfully. Walking can become a journey into sacredness.