
Detailed List of Retreats

Biodanza: the still point within the dance

Teacher: Lisa Firer
Cost: 2 days' accommodation plus R100
Dates: Friday 27 July 2012 - Sunday 29 July 2012

Biodanza is an invitation to dance with life. It uses music and movement to create a space in which to taste the joy of living; to experience yourself deeply and to open up more fully to others and the world around you. It fosters a capacity for creativity and play and confident, heart-centred living. Although the facilitator will give guidance, the movements are spontaneous and entirely your own. There is nothing to get "right", so experience in dance is not a requirement. The retreat uses mindfulness practice to support participants being present to their experience and will include periods of silence and meditation. We all have, in our own way, what is needed to live a life that is rich and full, vital and present-centred.