
Detailed List of Retreats

Seeing with quiet eyes: photography as meditation

Teacher: Catherine Anderson
Cost: Accommodation plus R100
Dates: Friday 30 March 2012 - Sunday 01 April 2012
"The essential things in life are seen - not with the eyes, but with the heart" Antoine de Saint-Exupery The expressions used in photography tend to be somewhat militant: "shooting a picture"; "aiming your camera"; "capturing an image" and so on. Catherine sees it differently. To her, in photography, we "receive an image", seeing deeply into it. When we make a picture, we can then express not only how we see the world, but how the world makes us feel. We connect with the essence of things. In this retreat we will be guided through a series of exercises that hone our ability to use a mcamera as an extension of our deepest feelings about the object we are observing. Participants will also be shown how to create a simple handmade book to house their "Mindful Moments"of photography during the weekend.