
Chi Gung: Stand Like A Tree To Power Up Your Chi

Teacher: Paul Dorrian
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R300 surcharge
Dates: Friday 20 October 2023 - Sunday 22 October 2023

paul dorrianZhan Zhuang (‘Standing like a Tree’) Chi - Gung is unlike most other Chi – Gung styles, in that with the exception of changing from one static posture to the next, the practitioner remains absolutely still, developing a mind like still water. Regarded by many contemporary Masters as the most powerful of all Chi – Gung practices, it opens all of the nine energy portals in the body, and encourages one’s chi (life force) to flow powerfully throughout one’s entire being. In this retreat Paul will teach the Four Posture Zhan Zhuang Set, which assists in developing a strong physical structure as well as creating a greater supply of healing chi to promote health and vitality.

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Paul Dorrian is a former international management consultant, author and speaker. His interest in improving employee wellness in the work place led him to teach Chi - Gung and Tai Chi Chuan. Paul has studied these disciplines under various teachers in the UK and Spain, and with the late Master Dr. Nico Snyman, his current teacher Master Marleen Bilas and with his Grandmaster Dr. Lin Feng-Chao. He now teaches Tai Chi Chuan in the Yang style and Chi - Gung in the Pa Tuan Chin, Healing Sounds and Zhan Zhuang styles at his school, the Lin Li School of Tai Chi Chuan, and with private students, in Pietermaritzburg.