
Detailed List of Retreats

The Halo and the Noose: the power of story telling and listening

Teacher: Dorian Haarhoff & Graham Williams
Cost: Accommodation plus R250
Dates: Friday 10 February 2012 - Sunday 12 February 2012
Why stories? Because stories are origins and origins are places that we walk out from. Because stories have many feet and travel several roads at once... because the story conjures the invisible. (Deena Metzger) At the heart of this retreat is our belief that once we raise our Story IQ, we begin to hear and tell our work and personal life in a new and vital way. We open up to transformation and new leadership paths. Like the lotus flower, we bloom and seed new beginnings. We reach into what may be murky depths and produce something of infinite beauty and worth. In so doing, prosperity and abundance take on new meanings. The retreat title is taken from Graham and Dorian's new book.