Saturday 21 September 2019
  • The Karma And Drama Of Relationships: A practical Buddhist approach

    Teacher: Melanie Polatinsky
    Cost: 3 day's accommodation + R250 surcharge

    melanie polatinskyWhat comes first? Karma or Drama? Our previous karma - going back many lifetimes - usually thrusts us into the dramas we experience in all our relationships. Yet, it is the drama of ups and downs that usually creates more karma! So both are important to examine. All we know is that difficult relationships cause us pain and suffering, but is there a way to deal with relationships more creatively? The answer is to learn to view difficult relationships in a completely different way. During this retreat we will study the Buddhist approach to relationships from which we will learn that we are the creators of all our drama and that we need to take responsibility for change no matter how difficult. We will see relationships as a mirror reflecting our repetitive imprints both positively and negatively. This 3-day workshop will include meditation, chi kung and periods of quiet and rest.

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    Melanie Polatinsky is a psychotherapist, and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, and has been empowered to teach by Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, Abbot of Samye Ling Monastery, in Scotland. She has worked, taught and conducted retreats in a variety of fields for the past 45 years. These include meditation, dream work, death and dying, bereavement, inner child work, relationships, karma and reincarnation, inner peace, the five Wisdoms, discovering your true potential, and many other Buddhist topics including a Dzogchen View of life. She has done several self-retreats in India at Palpung Sherabling Monastery. She runs a Tibetan Samye Dzong Centre in Johannesburg and is involved in ongoing teaching in the above fields as well as many aspects of Vajrayana practice. She also teaches a Bardo group to train people in the death and dying teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, as well as extensive direct work with the dying and their families. She has a private practice in psychotherapy with a Buddhist approach.