  • The Roots Of Sacred Drumming: Exploring Natural Rhythms

    Teacher: Richard Ellis and Marc Kress
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R500 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 26 July 2024 - Sunday 28 July 2024

    richard ellismarc kressDrumming and music-making are ancient ways of transcending our routine lifestyle, opening ourselves to spiritual realms of healing and creativity, which is experienced as liberating and rejuvenating. This is because the universe is a flux of pulsating rhythms and drumming connects us to these rhythms, thus facilitating a change in consciousness and a sense of belonging and well-being, which, in turn, promotes deep relaxation and healing. In this retreat, we will learn basic drumming techniques and explore rhythmic creativity  including a segment on Shamanic, Celtic, and Nordic Viking drum patterns which will be combined with meditation practice and contemplation. A Sound Journey meditation using exotic instruments will also be included. The objective of this retreat is to find a balance between the hands-on experience of drumming and its more profound spiritual effects on the human psyche.

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    Richard Ellis has been a drummer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist for the past forty years. He was a founding member of The Usuals with Kenny Henson. He formed the first all-percussion group Interitmo with Mike Mazzoni in 1997, and in 1999 started the first Drum Circle in Durban at the Bat Centre. Over the past twenty years he has conducted corporate team building, sound relaxation therapy and healing workshops with Marc Kress. He facilitates sound journey meditation/rhythm workshops on drums and percussion for all ages and levels of expertise. His mission is to connect people with their inner rhythm and sound, thereby helping to create a stress-free community.

    Marc Kress has been playing drums and percussion for more than 20 years and has been extensively involved in corporate team building and drum circle events. Marc has played in various bands such as the Interitmo Drummers and Mlilo. He has also collaborated with Richard Ellis in various percussion projects, sound-journey workshops and The Durban Drumbeat Festival. Marc believes that much like in the practice of yoga, drumming can lead to higher states of awareness, stilling the mind and transforming consciousness.

  • Qigong For Healing And Vitality

    Teacher: Marc Kress
    Cost: 1-4 days accommodation + R200 surcharge
    Dates: Monday 29 July 2024 - Thursday 01 August 2024

    marc kressQigong involves using gentle exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being and developing a calm, meditative state of mind.

    Join Marc for daily sessions of qigong and enjoy the tranquil nurturing space of the BRC.

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    Marc Kress is a yoga teacher and percussionist living in Cape Town. He was attracted to the yoga path while travelling through India in 2003: “I discovered a path of self-practice and discipline that fulfils my desire to grow on a spiritual level by working with the body and mind”. Marc has been practising and studying in India and South Africa with various teachers in different styles of yoga, including Hatha, Vinyāsa, Iyengar, Sivananda, Tantra and Astanga. He has a Hatha yoga teaching qualification from the Yoga Alliance and is a certified Iyengar yoga teacher.

  • Yoga, Mind, Body and Breath: A Journey to Self Discovery

    Teacher: Marc Kress
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R400 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 02 August 2024 - Sunday 04 August 2024

    marc kressThe practice of yoga brings the mind and body together, grounding us in the present, connecting us with where we are and what our body tells us about ourselves. Yoga is a process of re-connecting to our body and breath, coming back into the present moment. The ancient yogis realized that in order to be able to meditate effectively requires a healthy, strong body, so they developed yoga postures (asanas), cleansing techniques and breathing exercises (pranayama). Through regular practise of asanas, pranayama and meditation, yoga unlocks the deeper levels of our being. It is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who we are. This retreat is open to beginners and experienced students. Please bring a yoga mat.

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    Marc Kress is a yoga teacher and percussionist living in Cape Town. He was attracted to the yoga path while travelling through India in 2003: “I discovered a path of self-practice and discipline that fulfils my desire to grow on a spiritual level by working with the body and mind”. Marc has been practising and studying in India and South Africa with various teachers in different styles of yoga, including Hatha, Vinyāsa, Iyengar, Sivananda, Tantra and Astanga. He has a Hatha yoga teaching qualification from the Yoga Alliance and is a certified Iyengar yoga teacher.

  • Working With Polarities - The Mandala Practice

    Teacher: Clémence Kitching-Barres
    Cost: 3 days accommodation + R400 surcharge
    Dates: Thursday 08 August 2024 - Sunday 11 August 2024

    clémence kitching barresThis 3-day retreat will focus on the practice of drawing freehand mandalas, and was developed over years of teaching practice. The archetypal form of the mandala helps on a number of levels in education, starting with the innate sense of geometry and harmony we can develop in the young child and in higher grades the practice itself which calls forth concentration. It is a wonderful tool to either centre a child who is lost in the periphery, or widening the horizon of a child who is clinging to their centre. The results are always beautiful and meaningful.

    As a practice for adults, the mandala reveals a "snapshot" of our inner cosmos and allows us to create order and centeredness in place of chaos. Clémence will present her study of the mandala through human experience (religion, psychology, astronomy) and we will then explore the polarities of centre and periphery, curved and straight lines, order and chaos, through movement and drawing. We will follow several methods of structuring a mandala to experience the different results they produce in our inner space. No previous drawing experience is needed. Basic equipment, some colour mediums and papers will be provided. It is advised, however, to bring your favourite art medium and suitable paper (watercolour, acrylics, pencils, ink, charcoal) should you be already practised in artwork.

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    Clémence Kitching-Barres is a multidisciplinary Waldorf teacher with an atypical journey. Born in Paris, she pursued her studies in London where she encountered Buddhist philosophy. She worked in theatre and film, engineering and architecture. She then settled in South Africa to start a family and developed her interest in education while teaching at her children’s school. Bringing art and crafts in the maths and science classroom, with meaningful results, is her daily joy.

  • Nature Nurture Nourish - Mindful Movement And Yoga

    Teacher: Carey Would
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R300 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 16 August 2024 - Sunday 18 August 2024

    carey would"Nature dwells in both directions, not just outside us. Our inner world is also nature. Our minds and bodies are manifestations of the evolution of the living earth.”  Rewilding - Micah Mortallis,

    Through mindful movement and yoga - at times challenging and at times playful - we will ground ourselves into the body. Through mindfulness based meditation, with careful, considered attention and compassion, we will explore the mind. With joy, we will immerse ourselves in nature -  making simple crafts and playing games, teasing our inner child out - and  perhaps find a hidden gem.

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    Carey Would has been teaching yoga for over ten years, and is an accredited Mindfulness Facilitator. As her own practice has evolved, so too has her teaching. She teaches inclusively for all levels and at a pace best described as slow, and mindful. Recently, she has also deepened her appreciation of nature by becoming a Nature Facilitator within the Kinship Programme, whose overarching mission is to cultivate a critically conscious community who practise and advocate for sustainable living. Alongside her yoga and mindfulness practice, she is focused on child-led, immersive, inquiry-based learning in nature. Her classes which fuse nature, mindfulness and yogic principles together have been described as ‘a balm for the nervous system’.

  • Three Treasures For Mindful Living - A Pathway To Balance

    Teacher: Bridget Hawkins
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R350 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 23 August 2024 - Sunday 25 August 2024
    bridget hawkinsIn this retreat we will explore three fundamental areas of our human experience - The Three Treasures - a healthy body, a happy heart, and a clear and present mind to create an awareness of and implement techniques for harmony and balance in everyday life. This will be a relaxed retreat, incorporating blended sessions of yoga and qigong, meditation and breath work. There will be time to explore our creativity with an introduction to Neurographic drawing - a mindful automatic style of drawing developed by Russian psychologist Pavel Piskarev. The premise is that we are able to rewire our neural pathways when practising this style of meditative drawing. It is a simple, therapeutic technique which does not require artistic experience. We will also examine and practise breathing techniques and spend quiet time in reflection and meditation in nature which will include forest bathing. Our collective energy will enhance both our individual and group experience and the program is one that you are able to implement in your life beyond the retreat.
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    Bridget Hawkins has immersed herself in hatha yoga for twenty years, teaching both adults and children’s yoga for the past eight years. Her desire to expand her knowledge led her to teach a blended form of yoga and qigong where she found that both disciplines had a synchronistic, energetic flow which was therapeutic. Two years of further research into various mindful practices, including Neurographic drawing, led to the formation of a beta program where participants spent a month implementing mindful practices, improved eating habits and exercise, as well as creative endeavours. This beta program then became the foundation of The Three Treasures Mindful Living Program. Currently, Bridget teaches her blended yoga and qigong sessions in Westville where she also runs collaborative workshops.
  • Relaxation: Opening And Relaxing The Heart And Mind

    Teacher: Pippa Cope
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R400 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 30 August 2024 - Sunday 01 September 2024

    pippa copeEverybody experiences tranquility from time to time, because this open quality of mind is natural to us all. Yet, often our bodies and minds tighten and freeze to life’s challenges and stresses, even though creative solutions and expansive ideas are most likely to arise from a relaxed state. Healing Relaxation - designed by the late Akong Tulku Rinpoche, a wise Tibetan Buddhist healer - is a simple, highly practical, yet profound programme which helps people repair the strains and tensions resulting from the conditions of modern life, and prevents them from developing in the first place. Relaxation and awareness practices can enhance our ability to access calm, expansive states of mind intentionally throughout our day. In this workshop, we will explore the benefits of developing calmer states of mind, and learn effective relaxation, breathing and visualisation techniques.

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    Pippa Cope has been involved with the Tara Rokpa Therapy Process, Healing Relaxation, a creative fusion of Tibetan and western Wisdom, since 1997, and was authorised to practise as a senior helper in South Africa. Having worked in the caring, therapeutic and development fields in the UK, Zimbabwe and Sri lanka, she is currently a resident at Tara Rokpa Centre, Groot Marico.

  • Enquiring Into The Tibetan Schemata Of The Five Elements Of Earth, Water, Fire And Space Externally And Within Ourselves

    Teacher: Pippa Cope
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R400 surcharge
    Dates: Sunday 01 September 2024 - Tuesday 03 September 2024

    pippa copeThe five elements provide a dynamic system of understanding life. They make up the world around us and are in all living organisms - only the proportions differ. When the elements are in balance there is ease and harmony, when out of balance there is dis-ease and disharmony. The balance is constantly changing within and around us.
    To help us learn how to work with this ever-changing balance of the elements in a positive way, we first have to get to know them. In this retreat we will become familiar with the characteristics and qualities of each, and observe their interaction. At the same time, we learn to observe our mind-body states in relation to the elements. There will be guided relaxation and creative work around each element, including observation and creative activities. Optional gentle mindful movement before breakfast will be offered. Please bring loose, comfortable clothing suitable for outdoor activities.

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    Pippa Cope has been involved with the Tara Rokpa Therapy Process, Healing Relaxation, a creative fusion of Tibetan and western Wisdom, since 1997, and was authorised to practise as a senior helper in South Africa. Having worked in the caring, therapeutic and development fields in the UK, Zimbabwe and Sri lanka, she is currently a resident at Tara Rokpa Centre, Groot Marico.

  • The Strengthening Power Of Imagery: Regaining Hope And Wisdom In Difficult Times

    Teacher: Prof Leonina Kaestele
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R300 surcharge
    Dates: Tuesday 03 September 2024 - Thursday 05 September 2024

    leonina kaesteleImagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein

    As children,we possessed a vivid imagination as we lived in magical worlds of imagery. In our imagination, trees could become beings, and nature spirits could suddenly emerge from behind a tree. Even as adults, we can develop imagery that connects us with our inner strength, enhances our creative potential and supports us, developing skills to deal with uncertainties and a changing world. In this workshop you will learn how to use selected images to heal your heart and to develop meaningful tools, which will enhance your resilience and enrich your life. Guided walks in nature will help to fill you with positive energy and to meditate on your own future and the future of the world. This workshop is for everybody interested in diving into your imagination, and discovering inner pearls to cope with difficult life situations. Professionals - psychotherapists, social workers, educators - and anyone interested in health and well-being are welcome. By focusing on both the theoretical and practical aspects of imagery, this workshop aims to empower individuals and professionals to utilize imagery techniques for both - your clients and your personal life. The retreat will be followed by two zoom meetings supporting you to come home to yourself.

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    Prof Leonina Kaestele lectures at Hochschule Niederrhein, in Mönchengladbach department of Social Work. She owns her own institute in Munich (www.institut-imago.de) where she teaches Imagery, Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) and other modalities.

  • Practical Consciousness - A Simple Guide To Raising Your Consciousness Part 1

    Teacher: Dash Singh
    Cost: 2 days accommodation + R300 surcharge
    Dates: Friday 06 September 2024 - Sunday 08 September 2024

    dash singhIn the hustle and bustle of everyday life, finding harmony can feel like an elusive dream. But what if we told you that balance is not only achievable but also transformative? Join on a journey to unlock the secrets of mindful living and conscious growth. From navigating work-life balance to nurturing relationships and personal well-being, discover practical tools to cultivate clarity, calmness, and insight. Through affirmations, meditation,journaling, visualizations, and more, immerse yourself in a soul-nourishing experience filledwith enriching discussions and deep rest. Together, let's tap into the power of our minds and forge meaningful connections. Let’s also connect with a growing community dedicated to awakening consciousness and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and conscious living and discover the limitless potential that resides within you.

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    Dash Singh is an entrepreneur, Consciousness Advocate, Inspirational Speaker and businessman who is dedicated to aligning his passions with the universal ethos of consciousness. With a rich background spanning over eighteen years, Dash has embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Inspired by renowned thought leaders such as Dr Wayne Dyer, John Kehoe, Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Deepak Chopra, and Dr Shefali, he has immersed himself in the study of consciousness and personal development. With a BSc and NHD in Engineering, along with a postgraduate qualification in business management, he brings a unique blend of academic rigor and entrepreneurial spirit to his endeavours. Having spent significant time in the corporate world, he has transitioned to follow his entrepreneurial and consciousness passions, carving out a path that resonates with his innermost values. He sees himself as a perpetual student of consciousness, constantly seeking to elevate his vibration and make a positive impact on the lives of others. His mission is simple yet profound: To raise the consciousness of as many people as possible and hence leave the planet a better place than he found it.