
Detailed List of Retreats

A Morning Of Mindful Eating (online)

Teacher: Xenia Ayiotis
Cost: Donation to support the BRC during the COVID-19 lockdown
Dates: Sunday 24 January 2021 - Sunday 24 January 2021

xenia ayiotis 2019Food and eating can be a source of great joy, but it can also be a source of suffering. The pandemic has brought up challenges and many people have been turning to food for comfort. Mindful Eating increases our awareness around why, what, when and how we eat in a curious and non-judgemental way. The intention is to use a non-judgemental and compassionate approach to re-learning internal physical and emotional cues to guide us to why we eat and how we eat.

In "A Morning of Mindful Eating”, we will look at:

What exactly is Mindful Eating?
How could you benefit from it?
Introducing some Mindful Eating tools and practices.

09:00 - 9:30 Arrival, Introduction and meditation
9:30 - 11:00 An Introduction to Mindful Eating, Tools and Practices
11:00 -11:30 Questions and closing meditation

Join us on Zoom for a mini introduction to Mindful Eating and gently explore your relationship with food and eating.

Please bring raisins and a piece of bread to be used as part of the practices.

Sunday 24 January| 2.5 hours | 9:00-11:30am Register

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Xenia Ayiotis is a certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor, Life Coach and Mindful Eating Coach. She holds a Masters degree in languages from Wits University. Her passion lies in helping people to let go of the struggle around eating and to find peace in their relationship with food and their bodies. She is in private practice and offers workshops and 8-week programmes on Mindful And Intuitive Eating and Body Acceptance. See www.theartofmindfuleating.com