
Detailed List of Retreats

A Short Vipassana Retreat

Teacher: Jonathan Preboy and Anna Scharfenberg
Cost: 4 days accommodation + R800 surcharge
Dates: Sunday 19 January 2025 - Thursday 23 January 2025

jonathan preboyanna scharfenbergWe go on a retreat to cleanse and disentangle our troubled lives and minds. This experience frees our mind - Ajahn Tong

Vipassana (insight) meditation uses mindfulness to reveal and release the mental and emotional patterns that cause suffering. The aim is not just to overcome suffering but to wake up and be fully alive in the present moment. This four-day retreat is an opportunity to deepen meditation practice using the traditional Buddhist method of Ajahn Tong. Meditators are encouraged to stay for the entire course but may also stay for a shorter time and beginners are welcome to learn how to start Vipassana meditation. Mindfulness is developed by regular walking and sitting practice (both in the meditation hall and outside in the forest), by maintaining awareness during normal activities such as eating, showering, dressing and supported by daily interviews with a teacher. The retreat will be held in silence.
What is looking is what you are looking for - St. Francis of Assisi

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Jonathan Preboy and Anna Scharfenberg trained in Vipassana meditation under the great Thai Vipassana master Ajahn Tong Sirimangalo. Jonathan worked as a clinical psychologist in private practice in Durban and Anna holds a Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies. They have taught meditation together at Wat Chom Tong Meditation Centre in Thailand, Mexico, Italy, Spain and for 10 years at the BRC Ixopo. They currently manage and teach at the Tisarana Vipassananusorn Meditation Centre in Prague