
Detailed List of Retreats

Healing The Family Tree: An Ancestor And Us Writing Retreat

Teacher: Dorian Haarhoff
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R350 surcharge
Dates: Friday 22 September 2023 - Sunday 24 September 2023

dorian haarhof 2019The songs of our ancestors are also the songs of our children. Our stories are gifts we give each other and gifts we leave behind us. For, one day we too will be ancestors. In this retreat we write our stories and place them next to those of our family, immediate, extended and chosen. The idea of family can include not only blood, but our spiritual tradition, culture and the line of those who share our passions. The retreat also touches on healing the family tree and looks at questions such as how we can change the script and create new patterns.

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Dorian Haarhoff - writer, story-teller, mentor. For twenty-five years the BRC has enriched his life and practice. Passionate about developing innate creativity and imagination, he believes in the power of stories to spread loving-kindness. To bring healing. To guide us into the here and now. To build our belonging. A former Professor of English (Namibia) Dorian’s retreats are based on his workbook, The Writer’s Voice. His poetry appears in Quiet Food and The Cake the Buddha Ate. When he grows up he’d like to be Poet Dorieate of his spiritual home - the BRC.