
Detailed List of Retreats

Finding And Keeping Your Centre

Teacher: Tessa Pretorius
Cost: 2 days’ accommodation + R. 200 surcharge
Dates: Friday 28 July 2017 - Sunday 30 July 2017

tessa_pretoriusThe Buddha’s teachings emphasise the importance of taking care of ourselves in order to be of service to others.  Most of us, whether we are professional caregivers or people caring for family, colleagues or friends, miss this vital step.  When we are told to take better care of ourselves we either feel we don’t have the time or don’t know how to do that or where to begin.  The secret lies in finding your Centre – because when we are centred in our own wholeness we are able to deal with what life throws at us.  This retreat will teach you practical tools to help you find, regain and retain your balance and centre so that you can ride life’s merry-go-round with equanimity.  This retreat is ideal for care workers and anyone wanting to be more effective in caring for themselves.

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Tessa Pretorious is an ex-trauma counsellor, activist, philosopher and writer, and has been facilitating workshops on self-care and mindfulness for over fifteen years. She was trained by Patricia Cane (founder and creator of Capacitar International) whose work she has incorporated into training programmes for NGO's, hospitals, members of the justice system, the SAPS, as well as in her own course "Softening Anger Mindfully". She believes self-care is essential for personal well-being and, as in Buddhist practice, essential to the service of others.