
Detailed List of Retreats

Cultivating Mind-Heart Resonance Through Emotional Intelligence And Mindfulness

Teacher: Shanil Haricharan
Cost: 3 days accommodation + R350 surcharge
Dates: Thursday 15 June 2023 - Sunday 18 June 2023

shanil haricharan2021The past few years have highlighted the volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous and unequal world we live in. To understand this world and resolve its problems, we must understand ourselves and our relationships; after all, the world is a projection of ourselves. The Buddha, Aristotle, Krishnamurti, among other great thinkers, have claimed that understanding ourselves is the beginning of wisdom. Over this weekend, you are invited on a journey of really getting to know thyself, starting with confronting your conditioning which has created who you are today. As Jungian psychologist  and author, James Hollis, observes: “What we have become is frequently the chief obstacle to our journey - an assemblage of defense mechanisms and anxiety management systems” or as Rumi, the 13th century Persian poet, wisely counselled: “You are the unconditioned Spirit trapped in conditions. You fill it with yourself, or it dies”. In this journey we will probe the state of our mind, heart, body and spirit  towards finding balance and harmony, through understanding emotional intelligence and mindfulness, and applying these in our personal development journey in navigating our rapidly evolving world. 

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 Shanil Haricharan is an academic, activist, advisor, writer, and coach. He has a diverse professional and academic career in the public and NGO sector, having served as a senior advisor on public management, leadership and organisational culture at the National Treasury for 13 years. Currently, he is the academic director UCT’s Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, where he teaches and researches emotional intelligence, leadership, mindfulness, and organisational culture. He received a BSc (Medical/Life Sciences, Wits), an Advanced University Diploma in Adult Education (Natal), a MBA (UCT), and a PhD (Stellenbosch). His doctoral research focused on emotional intelligence, public leadership and organisational culture. He also completed the Gestalt International Organisation and Human Systems Development Programme at the Gestalt International Study Centre, Cleaveland, USA.